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News > Careers News > New OP senior appointments in prestigious schools

New OP senior appointments in prestigious schools

The Old Pocklingtonian community has been making headlines recently with the announcement of several new appointments into senior positions in independent schools.
17 Jun 2024
Careers News

Among them is Mark Ronan, former headmaster of Pocklington School (08-18), who has been appointed as the new rector of Hutchesons’ Grammar School starting in August 2024. With a distinguished career in education and headship in schools around the world, Mark left Pocklington School in 2018 after a decade of leadership to take on his current role as headmaster of The King’s Hospital School in Dublin. His return to Scotland, where he began his teacher training at Moray House in Edinburgh and where his family and wife originate, is eagerly anticipated. In a recent interview with The Herald1, 2, Mark Ronan expressed his enthusiasm for this new position and his commitment to the growth and success of the school.

OP Robert Milne (88-95) has been named the new Master of Dulwich College3, taking up his new appointment in September 2025. Robert is currently the headmaster of Emanuel School, where he assumed his first headship. He previously held the position of deputy head at King’s College School Wimbledon, served as head of English at Magdalen College School, Oxford and was head of house at King Edward’s School, Birmingham.

After a career spent teaching history and politics, as well as serving as a housemaster, OP Michael Barraclough (82-87) has accepted a new appointment as the head of the Upper School at King’s Academy4 in Jordan. Michael sees himself as a traditional school master and in discussing his appointment is reported as saying: “I bring 29 years of teaching, counselling, coaching and educational management in independent schools, all things that will inspire and instruct me as I support the staff and the students at King’s Academy.”

The OP Association wishes all three members of the OP community and their families all the best, as they move into their new homes and roles.






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